The Choices

Addressing the belief in our choices. What they come with and how they shape us. A short read, from a confused heart.

Life. Our best known teacher throws several opportunities and lessons for us to learn and grow. However, it isn’t bound to work in that direction really, unless we want it to work. The growth is just a step away, a decision short between our present self and at what the life indicates. Ever faced this dilemma?

Think about it!

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We often come across things, people, situations, and then, our own behavior with or within any of these factors and elements, but we seldom get to the point where we realize the potential of these choices. These opportunities that we get to choose in different forms and moments shape us. Has it ever occurred to you, that you face the same situation and scenario again and again, unless you learn out of it, grow out of it?

Exactly, that’s the choice I’m talking about. Because, these choices hold the potential to change our perspective forever. They attack us, break us, make us ponder upon our actions, our choices of words in those scenarios, that reflect our inner self; and ultimately, they Build us.
Yes, that’s how you grow. Those are some of the stages that you undergo once you make the right choice.

Fine! I won’t go into what’s right and wrong. But definitely, I’d like to point out the things that let us be our present incomplete or misguided selves, or transform into a better version of ourselves.

But not to forget the after effects of these thoughts. One may be drawn deep into the ditch of self-doubt and pity. Please remember, that these are just the momentary halts that we encounter as a result of clutching too stiffly of our past self.

The moment we make the required choice, that leads us to the evolution of that aspect or perspective of life, we feel as lighter as ever. It’s the ultimate reward that follows these tough, questioning choices that life keep from us, until we are though the process.

The need to contemplate these choices is what one needs to have the most clarity of oneself, which stands to be another reward of our struggles to the choices.

And it all narrows down to just a single choice. Okay, multiple choices there may be.

So, keep analysing, realising these situations, and choosing the options meant for you. For if you don’t choose now, you may or may not get to choose later.

Again, as they say, the choice is yours..

The Touch

Yes, I too lose the touch with myself. But finding oneself always makes one grow… A short thought written long!

How often is it that you feel like you’ve started losing your own touch?

I’m nearing the completion of my graduation. Distant friends will be biding adieu with a phrase, “Stay in touch!!” But how often is it, that we analyse the touch of ourselves?

Exactly.. We barely remember. Think about it..

We come across situations, people, drastic changes against the routine, rush, chaos, deceptions, integrity and what not! But we’re seldom able to justify our fight or fright reactions..

And those were just the strings from the external environment trying to pull us apart.. What about the inner self? We face anger, restlessness, anxiety, sudden urges, jealousy, lust, pain, arrogance, etc.. But seldom are we able to feel the real connect between these emotions and ourselves..

Exactly, the Touch!

Self awareness is a must! One must know what makes them feel low, catastrophic at times or simply affected by all those factors enlisted above.

Being able to connect to the self is either a gift, or an achievement as a result of a lottt of practise.. An awful lot..

The emptiness that a person feels despite of a whole crowd surrounding one, isn’t always meant to be because of the absence of their loved one(s). It could be because we forget the most important character of our own stories.. And that’s ourselves..

Before enjoying the company that surrounds us externally, enjoying our own company is a must.. Because as a matter of fact,

we won’t be able to enjoy the external company as much as possible if we aren’t in touch of ourselves..

But the good news is, it isn’t as hard as it sounds like.

You just have to be an observer.

Yes, I said it, as simply as possible.

But, mind you, that takes patience for a cost.. As I’ve mentioned it earlier too, being an observer to your own scenery solves a tonne of problems in life.. And this one, one of the most important requirements for one’s individuality, is surely going to help again..

And once you observe yourself, try to add to your actions.. Like, as a result of your analysis, you would be clearer to see through your actions and mistakes.. Hence, correct them.

Observe the behavioral patterns that lead you to that unnecessary emotion.

And you wouldn’t even realise when and how you curbed the incoherence out..

You must have seen in many interviews of the world leaders or successful people, that they spend some part of the day all alone..

That too mostly in the morning, with themselves, planning the rest of the day’s schedule and/or just being with themselves, away from the chaos of the world, the worries, the emotions, the responsibilities..

‘Cause this empowers them through all individual aspect, in order to get in Touch with themselves and make the most out of their day..

There you have it.

Stay in touch with yourself, for that’s going to lead you to the real You, and hence, the world you long for..


Yes, we all have heard of Angels. But we see and live with them everyday! Read inside! 😉

No, this isn’t another of those fairy tales referring to angels. In fact, this isn’t a tale at all! Just a thought, like and yet, unlike the others.

And as you go through this piece, do search for the Angels in your life, thank them and make them feel special. Recognising them won’t be that tough for a task. 😉

Angels. Indeed we all have Angels in our lives. Alas, neither do they possess wings or halo above their heads, nor do they wear the finest of white cloaks. They are ordinary men and women, ordinary in their appearances, but totally extraordinary in the roles they play in our universe..

Yes, today I talk of that set of people who hold a special place in our lives.. We might know thousands of people, but those Angels are a bit closer for their actions by the course of time..

It’s not that the others are demons to name. No!

Angels have always been around. Their selflessness and care across all the attrocities of life are what set that special image in the mind.. No matter how alone you feel, but you really aren’t, as you always have your Angels by your side..

Now, they might appear in several roles of the Drama. They could be a friend, even a foe, a colleague, your boss (no pun intended), a mentor, a Guru, a brother.. Anyone! All you need to recognise them is to recognise that unusual care from a soul to reach out for you in your darkest of hours..

They appear to help you fetch the light you need the most.. Of course, they might be wrong in the decision they take to help you out, make you stand again and fight; but it is the effort that matters! It’s their will to even go out of the way to set your course right!

But then come the barriers that hinder them from you. The ugly and hurtful barriers that you yourself create around you, be it knowingly or unknowingly (most likely) that make you doubt their invaluable existence.. Ego, anger, misconceptions, communication gaps, indecisiveness, etc. are to name some.

Isn’t it magical how we are surrounded by innumerable personalities, dangerously unique, yet only a handful happen to cherish the soul with their presence? Only a handful decide to stay..

And to worsen it, what comes as the worst of all? Take a wild guess!!

It’s the way we take them for granted.. We hardly realise how lucky we are to have someone longing to see us happy. How a person spends his non-renewable time to see the best version of ours.. What the real cost of those precious moments spent together to bring the life back on track is.. What the existence of that person in your life means..

Trust me, it’s the worst of the lot!! ‘Cause it’s not everyday that you find such Angels. You bump into them by destiny or sheer luck. Don’t ever let go off them. Always invest in them, to make them stay close. And, above all, be an Angel to them in return.

For, if an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,

An Angel for an Angel makes the whole world a Heaven..

You have Yourself!!

Self Believe in tough times is what one needs the most, besides the invaluable friends and family who decide to stand.. Some Random Longread out of a recent experience is here.. Hope you relate well!

It’s astonishing to me how we choose to stick to a thought.. I mean, we ourselves are the ones to stick to a thought, hold firm to it and then act helpless?

Ever thought of it?

Yes, we choose to get hurt by a thought and stick to it knowingly. It does sound too stupid and constructive in its own way, but it’s a fact!

We have the control of our own mind. And yet, we act like we are unable to manage the entry and exit timings of a thought in and out of it! It’s so strange at times that I’ve myself failed uncountably to justify it..

Of course, we are not Gods.. Of course, it does require practice.. But give it a second. Suppose you have a house or some property, with all the legal proofs to prove your belongingness to it. And then, suddenly, an intruder tries to break in to mess around and just do what he’s totally not supposed to do!

What are you going to do?

Well, it depends.. If you are strong enough and at par with that intruder’s potential, you’ll take on him by yourself and drag him out of your property.

Or, you call for the cops or your friends or neighbours to help you out in taking the mess out of your property!!

Same is with your mind..

This is UTTERLY important to remember that our mind is our own property and is highly customisable and manipulatable by ourselves!! Trust me, it helps one to fix things by Bounds!

Now how is it the same? Your mind is your property, the intruder is the thought messing up with your life and hence, your friends and neighbours, you ask? Well, that is totally dependable..

Mostly, beefing up your own potential to deal with your own problems is highly advisable, through meditation and certain everyday practices to make you stronger and independent..

Else, those friends and neighbours could be your hobbies, work, important people in your life or anything that helps in bringing out your own element up top. I know, diversions have never been the solutions, as they tend to take you away from the problems and not solve them; but in certain situations, it comes down to making yourself massive enough in front of the problem or gather the confidence to deal with it.

There will be plenty more that will make you feel empty or consumed from within.. In such cases, enriching yourself with your own element is what helps the most.. Practicing the stuff that actually defines you, your interests and justifies your existence is what fills that void.. That’s what energizes you to look at the problem again and think, “Am I actually getting affected by this or is it temporary and meant to go away? Coz this isn’t the only thing that defines me.. There’s way more yet to come up!!”

Which again brings me to another friend of ours.. Time. It heals everything, happenings fill the voids too and hence, we recover.. But it requires a partner named Patience to work well with..

In the end, it all comes down to just You who needs to remind yourself how dynamic life is.. One has to become a friend to oneself, reminding oneself of all the things that I’ve enlisted above.. For, we are lucky enough to be blessed with friends and family, but that trigger always lies in our hands to pacify things up or let ourselves suffer for no good reason..

It all lies in your hands, never stop, never give up.. Value whom you possess instead of longing for whom you don’t..

Bubble Theory

A theory, lived by all, realised by some.. Read, observe and analyse. And if it fits, it is sure to be useful, to see better..

Now, this one was purely given by a senior and, myself being a victim to this, I related so well to myself keep it! It could be considered as a really nice plugin to have a better insight of life..

Our perceptions confine us in boundaries, not giving room to those of the others to exist. And so are our actions bound by them. As if, we form a sort of “Bubble” around ourselves to live in..

Ever thought of it this way?

Yes, that’s what I call the Bubble theory, irrespective of its existence away from my knowledge.

Our perceptions surround us and guide our actions. Sometimes, they isolate us from the freeness of thoughts to the extent of seizing the freedom to give room for upgrades to follow!! And that’s a big limitation..

Being surrounded by them all the time and because of our belief into them, we get attached to them. As many of our actions had been guided by them in the past, we consider them to be the only truth. But it isn’t that way Always!!

It’s more or less like, considering the night sky to be an ambient lit roof and refusing to believe in the space that lies behind that roof! For that roof isn’t a mere boundary or physical layer, but a reflection of the outer space, perceptible to the eyes..

Just the way we know the truth about the existence of the outer space, so should we be ready to accept the indefinite nature of our bubbles..

Believing extensively into these bubbles is the reason behind the pain or remorse we feel as we are hit hard by some real fact that pops the Bubble off.. When something forces us to rethink or alter the Bubble we had been attached with, is when we feel bad about it, for by the time we realise it, we’ve already put it to so many actions of ours!!

Just the way they say, better late than never, Acceptance is the key.

We believe into our bubbles as their very existence is based on our experiences and learnings. But the moment we are are stuck by a new experience, we forget that the way the former experience led to formation of that bubble, so should the latter be welcomed to alter it and make it a better place to be!

We just don’t want out experiences or observations to go wrong in any way. And we apply the same to our bubbles. Obstinate we behave as someone pokes, to question our theories. But that only helps in validating their existence or the need for an upgrade..

Even popping of bubbles at several stages of aging is a sign of growing.. The moment you pop a bubble becomes the moment you enter a bigger one, accommodating the pros of the smaller ones, with the upgrades to follow!

Some would surely ask why to at all limit oneself into a bubble that confines thinking. But this is the reality! We all are living in bubbles of our perspections, insecurities, guidance, learnings and thoughts. It isn’t something that confines you, but defines you.

And knowing this fact and the depth of it, it helps you in respecting the existence and righteousness of those of the others..

Painful Success

Adding worth to life through success? And thinking of somehow escaping the pain on its way? Read this first…

Yes, pain for today. This one revolves around its relationship with success. It’s like an opaque object and its shadow. Can you define one moment of success without paying its much needed price in terms of pain?

Think about it…

Everything’s got a price. Everything’s got some threshold of your efforts to be reached in the first place for it to become a part of your reality. Nothing comes for free; except for advices. And some thoughts that act to be the ladder to success (mind you, not an escape from the pain)

For the pain is inevitable on the course to success. There are plenty of ways that mother nature conveys the same..

Diamonds? These are coal particles pressurised sooo frickin bad to attain their majestic and lustrous virtues… Butterfly? How a caterpillar undergoes the hardships of being a cacoon before transforming itself into a Glittery, Boundless Butterfly…

Endless examples there lie to take inspiration from. And all these show the indespensible relationship between Success and Pain or Struggle, to name it..
And do you think success will at all be legit without any attrocities faced on its way? Will the success be able to hold its tag without the pain?

I don’t think so.. For, if pain didn’t exist, success had hardly held any value… It’s like how you define a good thing till you don’t know the bad one… Two sides of the coin have to exist to choose one.

Pain or Struggle is the value of Success…
Just like any other thing in the world. The price tag of your goal or your dreams holds the honesty you put into your efforts for the same.

Which itself defines how to endure a failure… As simple as that, when would it be that you are unable to buy a commodity? When you are short of its price.. Same is the case of success…

No matter how hard you try, no matter how much of your work you’ve put into it; if it’s not becoming a part of your reality, it means that some more price of it is still balance. Some more efforts are yet to be put in. Some more pressure is yet to be experienced for the diamond to become a diamond and shine undoubtedly.

Failures are an indication saying, “You are yet to become worth the success. Strive harder to prove your worth.”

Till the time you remember the above word, you are sure to endure failures in the much needed manner and do what the situation actually demands..

Any shortcuts?
You can steal a commodity, but you can never run away with it, too far, too long. One or the other day, you’re sure to pay the credit in one or the other form. Be it in the form of excruciating penalties of regrets or the efforts that bear the desired fruit.
Rest, you be the judge. For, struggle is the only tool that paves your way to the goal. Else, calling a goal as yours would be an insult not only to the goal but to the self too…

The Clinging Business.

If you are clinging onto, it uust isn’t meant to last. But to what extent is even clinging legit, or worth a thought? Let’s read..

The word clinging could have been replaced by longing, wishing, wanting being tenacious for or many other.. But it best fits when it comes to “clinging” onto something precious, someone adorable or anything that has ever had your love..

You cling onto something only when you wish to give all of yourself to it or that soul. You just always want to see it in its best possible state, no matter what. Hence, you choose to be selfless in every possible regard. Neither do you want to give that person any moment to complain, nor do you wish to ever part ways..

Selflessness is an important factor. Till the time it is there, the purity and truthfulness of the feelings remain intact. The moment you loose hold of it, you fall into deep dilemmas, followed by fathomless oceans of doubts..

Though there could be anything that flickers your selflessness, but what’s the most common one? If you ask me, I’ll say, “disappointment

When you put much of yourself to see something or someone in one’s best state and you get paid off with led downs in return, it really makes you wonder if at all your priceless investments of love and time were legit at their places.. You really need a Golden Heart and stick to your essence to keep things alive. When your value is returned with Carelessness, Ruthlessness and Stubborn reactions, would you still stick to your selflessness?

It’s quite a big deal to count on someone to share most of your bits, most of your emotions and live the relation with much trust and content. But what if you get dismay in return? Wouldn’t you feel shattered from within??
Please comment below what your take would be in such a scenario..

That’s where you are forced to think of this “love” as a “clinging business”

Think about it..

If you get what you give, you are happy. But if you don’t, you get affected. This “affect” is a proof of love though. Though, you would never be able to be the best judge, what works the best for you.

Either you cling onto someone and “expect” for the same respect in return. Or you are like “If you love a flower, you don’t pluck it, you water it.”

Which again forces you to think, if you get affected, what good does Unconditionality of Love hold then? What about the selflessness that stands stiff to be the foundation of everything?? (I talk of selflessness so much as it’s one of the best feelings a human is capable of feeling and living up to!!)

That’s why I said, you do need a Golden heart to bear it all and make it till the end.

What I insist is, selflessness is what holds good at the end. Being cut off from expectations is what keeps you from disappointments and heart breaks. Just do your part in the best possible manner and be an observer of what the other person and life has on offer. And reflect it similarly in your actions the next time...

Else, every honest soul will be a sufferer at the end of the day. Every truthful dove would be caged by disappointment, being kept away from the skies of a regret-free business..

For, if at all the business is for real and meant to last, you won’t have to cling. Clinging is the first sign to something baseless. For, the true feeling neither require clinging nor are a business. They’re just lived without much thought. And you never come to know when you give away an entire lifetime to such invaluable fortunes..


Longread alert!! Let’s think of the word “age” again and celebrate it everyday, not just annually! Thinking about age in my way, with an approach that many of us might have missed out on..!

The thing that happens with us all and we tend to derive least from it… Yes, it’s “Aging”
We all age. Celebrate our birthdays, that another year cuts off our bank of time successfully and in order to welcome the next one with much zeal.. But do we actually think like this?

Think about it!

You celebrate deduction of another year out of that limited bank of lifetime!

According to me, aging is one of those important factors that can actually bring strong worth to our existence. Once a person realises his time is limited, that he gets one step closer to his doom, he’s full of learnings or awakenings that are followed by greatness!

You wake up each day. Let’s assume you are not an atheist, but a believer. You thank God that you are still breathing. That’s where another realisation hits! You always keep an account of the number of breathes that have been lend to you! And in order to fulfill that accountability at its best, you spend your “cash” wisely. You avoid breaking hearts, try to make a mark wherever you go, make people happy and try never to make life bulky with regrets. You actually start living!

Yes, I’m talking about the optimism that can be derived. Else, a pesimist might come up with the thought, “Damn, my time is limited! I’m gonna die someday!”

But then, even that can be addressed. When you are gonna die anyway, why fear death? Instead, make the show worth it and the audience applaude even when you depart the stage and the curtains fall!

You are born, you grow, you go through several experiences, you work, you become weak again, you become old and perish eventually. Okay, we all know this. But isn’t this entire sequence enough to give life a reason and work for it? Isn’t it enough for us to utilise every single bit of our Energies, that are totally restricted to that particular age and tenure, will fly away sooner than we realise?

That’s the beauty of Age. It gives you reason to not waste time and put the vitals at work, to fulfil your longings and spend the life in the name of a worthy purpose. The moment you are at peace, only then it’ll follow around you. And in order to achieve that, quenching the thirst of longings, purposes and bucket lists is very important. (Not harming the lists of the others, please!)

I wondered us all to be Clouds of rainy season. You see, they form at a place, travel all their ways to their respective destinationsto drain.. Some travel farer enough to plains or even hills, some rain in the coastal regions or the seas itself! No matter how far they travel, how many storms they go through, they do get that one opportunity to shine at their best! To make the heads turn..

No matter how dark they may be, they all have that one “Silver lightening” in their lifetime.

That lightening might be missed by many, but the ones who witness it, remember and cherish it forever… They all have to drain and vanish at some or the other point, but it’s all about that One Moment in their lifetime…

We all are better, as we have infinite number of such moments, wake up calls that remind us of our true being! That’s where we need to realise and make the mark we were born for…

Magic lies within, let Age be a factor to seek for it. Though, the game is all about such indefinite number of factors, that surround us, but are yet hiddious…

Thank You!

It’s been one year for this medium to exist between me and my readers! Beautiful the journey has been and I hope it just continues to be! Happy Reading! Many more to come! 🙂

Well, yeahh! It has been such a beautiful experience for me to be with, all the way through an entire year! Yes, I registered here and started writing my blogs almost one year ago!

How time flies…

The journey wasn’t easy at all. Writing wasn’t the problem, but the learnings didn’t come that easy… They had a cost, almost always.. But, they are forever to stay.

I’d like to thank all the readers for encouraging me, pointing at my flaws so that I could mend them and complimenting my thoughts in their own invaluable ways too!

I’ll say, Overthinking could be put to work too! Haha! I’m a very Bad Overthinker, I must say! But it finally found its way, through my writing and my music. I haven’t done anything so far to broadcast my music, it’s been writing so far that I could come up with.

But yes, that’s how you make it. That’s how, you live out of the pieces thrown at you! I haven’t done anything incredible, I believe. But, if any of my blogs has helped out any of my readers in the slightest possible manner, I’ll call myself successful. For that stood to be one of the few reasons that made me write my thoughts on a broader level. So that, sharing could ease out the bearing.

And they say so right! So will I go and write for many years to follow!

I just hope, you keep reading my blogs in the similar fashion, for you only encourage me to write more and share!

That’s how an “ambivert” could come up with his writing pieces to the world…
God bless all!
Keep learning, keep growing! 🙂
For we know each other for a reason, no? 😉

Let it hurt or Let It Go!

yes, it demands for immense courage at times.. But hey! If you could Yourself attract it, You should yourself be capable enough to contain it and let it go! Read more inside! 🙂

Letting Go off something, someone or some thought, is what I’ll write about.. That’s the thing. One of the hardest things to do and one of those most relieving actions a human mind is capable enough of performing!

It’s a big deal, as one of our demons, “EGO”, makes it difficult. And some others too, like Attachment, social conduct, etc. These difficulties make the impact of the thing to be let go off much deeper and realisable, once it’s gone. The following photo tells how attachment could be demon!

But that’s how things work! You can put this like, till the time you learn to let go off things, you cannot learn to have oneness with the self. You cannot have an understanding of the terms like EGO and other demons that keep you away from it, subjectively in each case. In order to omit a demon, your first step towards it has to be realisation. That’s how things go hand in hand! You cannot be relieved till you Let things go and for that, you realise your demons first, face them in the eye and that eventually helps in omitting the demons themselves too!! Or gain control over them, as they say, “You Don’t kill your demons, You Live Above Them!

That’s the very reason you feel relieved.
I’ve quoted the same before, how our mind is that monkey who always needs some or the other thing to play with. Some or the other Thought, always resides within, be it the thought of lacking the thoughts themselves! Be it the Thought of nothingness itself, there Is something always!! (Talking about the average human beings Though 😋 ) Till the time you let go, that thing resides with you, reminding of the damage a memory caused to the heart.. It reminds you how you got affected by that memory. It’s more or less like Punishing yourself every moment you spend with it!

Yes, one of the incidences that occured with me made me write it all down. I myself created something more of an issue. I was thinking about it for much of the time. I myself gave it importance and yet, as it resulted into something much catastrophic or, we can say, much disheartening, I could realise the same! And this realisation itself yielded into another one, leading me to letting go off that Thought! Just the learning remains now for a thought in that crater..
I could see how we ourselves complicate things, whereas they are simplified enough! We just chase it knowingly, despite of it causing damage to our being! Isn’t it stupidity? You create a thought, because of the demons of someone else along with yours playing the smaller role and you get hurt alone by overthinking about it! What else could be more wastefully occupying as compared to that!

Just imagine how much non-returnable time and energy it costs you! Just think of the potential of a loving heart got wasted because of that one Thought!

You CHOOSE to think about the demons of the others and hurt yourself? Does it even sound Legit? Yet, we do the same, knowingly or not, we do!! And it causes pain and suffering..

Letting go off things is like cleaning off your own self created garbage inside your head. Yes, you feel for the crater it created in the mind, the space it vacates, but it’ll heal in no time!

If you’ve had your demons, you are sure to posses some Angels as well!! Think of them! Challenge yourself everytime you feel sad about the craters, for the angels are sure to fill those with productivity and happiness…

Living above your demons doesn’t sum it all up, but trusting your Angels is equally or more pivotal, when it comes to healing…